
Bartz Law Group

Employee Rights Advocates

What You Need to Know About Severance Pay in California

Know About Severance Pay in California

Severance pay is a topic many California employees may be familiar with but need to understand fully. In this article, you learn the legal meaning of severance pay in California and the various nuances of this type of compensation. From the mandatory requirements to the tax implications, this write-up covers everything you need to know about severance pay in California.

The legal meaning of severance pay in California

Severance pay, also known as termination pay, is a financial benefit offered to employees terminated or laid off from their jobs. The package should be proportional to the employee’s tenure and the role and can be negotiated based on a mutual agreement.

The purpose of severance pay is to provide a cushion for employees who have lost their jobs and may struggle to find new employment. Reasonable severance pay may include continued health insurance coverage, outplacement services, and other benefits that can ease the transition to a new job.

Is severance pay mandatory in California?

Severance pay is not mandatory in California. Unlike many other states, California has no laws requiring employers to provide severance pay to their employees. However, some employers may offer severance pay to soften the blow of termination and minimize the risk of legal disputes.

Can I collect unemployment benefits if I get severance pay in California?

Under employment law in California, you could collect unemployment benefits if you receive severance pay in California. However, the unemployment benefits you are eligible to receive may be reduced by the severance pay you receive.

If the severance pay is less than the maximum unemployment benefit, you will receive the difference between the two. It is important to note that severance pay is not a substitute for unemployment benefits, and employees can still qualify for unemployment benefits regardless of severance pay.

Calculating severance pay in California

As mentioned earlier, there is no legal requirement for severance pay in California. As a result, the calculation of severance pay can vary widely from one employer to the next. Some employers may base the amount of severance pay on the employee’s length of service, while others may use a formula based on the employee’s salary or position. Some employers may also offer a lump-sum payment, while others may provide payments over some time.

The meaning of a severance agreement

A severance agreement is a legally binding contract between an employer and an employee that outlines the terms of the severance pay. The agreement may include details such as the amount of severance pay, the duration of the payments, and any other benefits to which the employee is entitled. It also may contain some terms related to non-disclosure, non-competition, or settlement of disputes.

Federal laws on severance payments or severance agreements

There are no federal laws that specifically govern severance payments or severance agreements. However, specific federal laws may apply to severance pay in certain circumstances. For example, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) prohibits discrimination against employees 40 years of age or older, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against employees with disabilities.

How is severance pay taxed?

Severance pay is considered taxable and subject to federal and state income taxes. Employers are required to withhold taxes from severance pay just as they do with regular wages, and the employee will be required to report the severance pay as income on their tax return.

Some severance agreements may offer options for the payment to be structured differently, such as lump sum or rolling payments. The tax implication of these options should be evaluated before deciding.

Severance pay can provide a valuable financial cushion for terminated or laid-off employees. Although severance pay is not mandatory in California, many employers may offer it to minimize the risk of legal disputes and help ease the transition to a new job. Understanding the legal meaning of severance pay in California, the rules around collecting unemployment, the meaning of a reasonable severance package, and tax implications can help employees navigate the process and make informed decisions about their severance pay. It’s always recommended to seek legal advice to assist with the process and ensure that the severance package offered is fair and reasonable.